Sunday, January 31, 2010

More big news . . .

This isn't a perfect life . . .  but it's getting better all the time!  I know that's not the way I usually say it, but lately it's been true. 

The boys are adjusted.  Starting to help out more, and listen better.  They are still brothers . . . even though there are moments when they don't want to be. 

I am getting near done with school, and looking forward to graduation.  I feel like we are really moved in to the house now.  Everything has a place.  There are days when everything is not in its place, but every house has those days.  I, myself, have fewer days where I don't care where things go.  I have fewer days where I just don't do anything.  I feel better.  I am happier. 

This can be attributed to many things. . . the boys' behavior an attitude changes, for one.  Also, due to the fact that I have returned to Curves.  I am eating better and feeling better and more energetic in that respect - except for when I was sick. 

There is also another factor.  I have hinted about it, but wasn't quite ready to tell the world.  I had to get ready first . . .  and also tell M & D first.  I'm still not entirely sure why, but I had a lot of hesitation about that.  I'm over it now, and ready to tell everyone the biggest reason why I am feeling so much better. 

So, drumroll . . .

I am dating. 

No jokes from the peanut gallery.  I know it's about time.  It has been a long time since I have been in a relationship.  First I wasn't ready.  Then I lived with my parents and dating really wasn't an option.  I had to get my life put back together first.  For a while now, I've been somewhat ready.  I was lonely and wanted to find someone to spend time with . . . but I just didn't know how to get started.  All of my friends are either long-distance, married, or single and having fun.  Not that there's anything wrong with having fun, but I'm past that. 

I'm pretty sure I can guess everyone's next questions.  I'm not going to spill all on the internet, but here's just a little bit. 

I started a profile on eHarmony.  I wasn't quite sure how it works, but everyone's heard of it. . .  and just a few months ago, I learned that a very good friend of mine who was married last year met him on eHarmony.  So, what's there to lose?  I was a little discouraged at first. . . I thought that the "pool" was supposed to be narrowed down. . . but there were a lot of men that I wasn't interested in, and a lot more that weren't interested in me.  It was a little bit frustrating to be rejected without having any communication with a potential match, but I guess you have to sort through the "matches" that don't fit until you find the one that does.

I remember the first time that I saw his profile.  I just had to know more about him . . . and the more we emailed and chatted online, the more I felt like I did know him.  Everything just seemed to click.  After a week or so of chatting online, we arranged our first phone call.  I was nervous at first, but as soon as we started talking, I just felt more and more at ease.  That phone call was about five hours long.  I know that sounds crazy, but the longer we talked, the better it felt. . . and the more I wanted to keep talking.  I only had about four hours of sleep that night, but I still felt great when I woke up the next morning. 

I felt the same nervous build-up before our first meeting.  It didn't help the nerves that he was late.  I've let it go because he's not exactly around the corner, and he drove all the way here for the meeting.  The nerves died down as we talked more and more.  A nice lunch turned in to a long walk around the parking lot and even more conversation sitting outside the restaurant.  Has anyone else ever had a five hour lunch date? 

It's been a few more weeks since that first lunch.  We've had a total of four meetings.  They haven't all been five hours long, but they have been just as good.  We talk on the phone nearly every day.  I'm not quite ready to introduce the boys, but I am ready to call the babysitter and have a real date -- in the evening! 

I could talk to him all day long. . . about anything, everything, and nothing.  I already feel like he is "here" for me.  It's been a long time since I could lean on someone this way.  I had forgotten how nice it feels. 

And since I generally don't use people's real names here, I'll call him E.

If you want to know more, ask.  I can't guarantee that I'll answer all questions, but I'll try. 

That's it for now.  It's Sunday night, and I'm bushed.  It was a long week, and it's been a long weekend, too.  I usually look forward to Mondays, but tonight I think I'm too tired to be excited.  Time to go find some scrubs and get to bed.

~ Until next time . . . 


  1. I'm so happy for you Janis! Things sound like they're going great :)

  2. :-) I'm happy for you too! I'm so happy things are getting better for you. SO happy. If anyone deserves to be happy, it is YOU.
