Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Disneyland, Day Three

Whew!  What a day . . . there was good stuff in there, but like day two, it ended badly.  I had thought that things would get better . . . there's still time for improvement, though. 

I stayed up last night to wait for Z to come back from his late night and watching the fireworks.  He had a ton of fun, but by the time he came back, got dressed, and fell asleep, it was just before 11 pm!   Because it was so late, I did not want to wake him up in the morning.  I thought it would be best to let him sleep in. 

The down side of sleeping in?  We get to Disneyland later . . .  when there's more people, and not as much time before naptime.  Yep, there was naptime again on day three.  We did get some good fun stuff in before - but also a few meltdowns.  I left with the boys to come back to the hotel at 1:45.  We stopped to go to the bathroom, had to fight crowds, and just barely made it to the 2:15 bus.  We got to the hotel room, took off our shoes, and the boys went to sleep.   

After an hour and a half, it was time to get up, ready, and get back to the shuttle bus.  We headed over to California Adventure, where everyone else was hanging out.  On the way in, we were given a stroller by someone who was leaving.  I thought it might come in handy if we were staying late, but I also wish they had double strollers.  Do you believe that they don't?  Anyway. . . 

We went in and headed to "A Bug's Land" which was cute.  Everything was gigantic.  But also, from my point of view, a bit lame.  The caterpillar ride was about thirty seconds long, and only went in a circle.  Took longer to load and unload than it did to ride.  We did the ladybug thing, and then everyone made it over from the other end of the park.  We did one more ride, but there were tantrums and meltdowns in the line for it, and in line for the ladybug ride.  I was pretty much done, but I will say that having Mom and MG there helped a lot.  They helped to settle the boys down and tried to make them happy.  J was not just being naughty, but also sad.  He had complained of a headache, but I thought it was a combination of being tired and hot.  One way to make them happy was to go on the bumper car ride.  I couldn't take them because an unaccompanied rider must be 7 years old, and there would be no way I would leave one of the boys alone to ride with the other one.  So we waited in the line.  We made it all the way to the front.  We were in the next group of people to go . . . and then the ride broke.  Great.  Oh, well.  Time for a bathroom break, and then we thought we'd head to find some dinner.  M& J had already eaten, so we parted ways. 

We headed out of A Bug's Land. . . stopped when we got to the main walkway and J sat down on a bench and started to cry.  I heard Dad ask him what was wrong . . . "My throat hurts" he said . . . and a few seconds later, he started puking.  Oh, jeez.  Seriously?  He didn't have a snack, and we haven't had dinner yet.  No fever, nothing wrong with him . . . except for that headache.  Well, we wiped his face, he rinsed his mouth with water, and it was time to go.  Cleanup, aisle J.  Bring a hose, please . . .  

We were a bit early for the next shuttle back to the hotel, but waiting was better than getting sick inside Disneyland again!  Mom turned in her wheelchair, and I passed the stroller off to someone just coming in the park.  We made it to the shuttle stop with about a half an hour to wait.  He was given a plastic bag, and for most of the wait time, we were away from the rest of the group.  Hmm, maybe it's a good thing we never made it on the bumper cars!  Auntie M sure thinks so, because she was going to ride with him!

It was 8:15 when we got back to the hotel.  Time to settle them down, make sure he's all right.  Well, he wasn't.  Got sick again.  Settled down, finally, and put a movie on my laptop.

Dad came over to help and make sure we were all right, but I wasn't.  Want the truth?  I cried.  I made sure that I told Jacob I wasn't upset with him.  It was not his fault that we got sick.  But seriously?  This vacation is taking shots at me, and somewhere, laughing about it.  Between the naps, the tantrums, the fights in line, and now puking, I was having an awful time, and hardly getting to do anything.  Aside from all of that, I miss E.  We're having a tough time with all of the stress he's going through and this separation.  I didn't mean to do it in front of the kids, but I think I needed to cry.   Okay . . .   Breathe in, breathe out. 

Day three:  Over.  And oh, please let tomorrow be better!  Let him rest, and not still be sick in the morning - or in the middle of the night!  Can we also have fun tomorrow?  Less fighting, less whining, and maybe I'll even get to stay past 7:30??  Thanks . . .

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Disneyland, Day Two

Today, thankfully, did not start as early as yesterday did.

We got up when we got up, which was nice.  We got dressed and ready, and went down for our breakfast.  Breakfast got a little hectic, which can happen with two boys.  But we all ate good, and got ready in time for the shuttle bus.  Disneyland at 9 am.  We had to get Mom a wheelchair . . . Correction: Mom got a motorized scooter.    Pretty cool for two reasons - one, she doesn't have to do all of the walking and cause herself extra pain, and two, no one has to push or wheel her around. 

When we got in the gates, we decided to head for a real ride - one that would have a long line later in the day.  First stop:  the Matterhorn.  Wait time: about ten minutes.  Awesomeness!  Everyone except Mom went, so she got the bags.  M and J went up front.  Dad and Z were in the back, and he wasn't as excited about the ride.  We have told him that the rides can't hurt.  There's lights, music, and magic here.  Nothing is real, so there's nothing to be afraid of.  I had to start that after just walking through Sleeping Beauty's castle!  I don't want him to whine out of everything without trying it.  So he tried it.  He wanted his grandpa, and he put on a brave face, but he was scared.  I forgot how much of the ride is dark!  In the end, he said it was fun, but he doesn't want to do it again.

We walked off of the ride, and right on to the Storybook Land boat ride.  I didn't remember the last time I went on it.  Pretty cool, really.  Nice and tame, so everyone calmed down, and Mom came with us.  From there we went on Dumbo's flying ride, and Casey Junior.  Both were very short lines.  That was nice for getting started.  We left Fantasyland and headed toward Frontierland.  We found another very short line at the Thunder Mountain Railroad.  Z was excited about it, but we were smart in thinking that he might not love it.  He was sat with Grandpa in the back of the ride.  I loved the ride - laughed most of the way through - until my hat flew off!  As soon as we leveled out, I turned around.  Thought it was gone, but there it was on the seat next to Z.  I hollered for Dad to hold on to it, and turned back around, as we went down another hill.  J wanted to do it again . . . but it was another ride that Z said was fun - but he didn't like it, and didn't want to do again. 

We all rode the Winnie the Pooh ride, and Z loved it.  Why couldn't he fall in love with one of the classics?  Oh, well.  We had a less-than-perfect lunch, but made the best of it.  While we were finishing up, M took our tickets to get "Fast passes" to Splash Mountain.  I'm not a fan of the ride, and I knew Z couldn't go.  So after we saw Pooh and Tigger, we went our separate ways.  I took Z back to the Winnie the Pooh ride.  We were almost to the front of the line, and he leaned his head on me.  I picked him up and asked him what was wrong.  "I'm tired," he told me.  "How tired, baby?"  "A hundred tired"  Oh, boy.  We rode the ride, and then had about twenty minutes to make it to the shuttle stop.  It was a loong walk.  My baby, though, he's a trouper.  He didn't whine or asked to be picked up the whole way there. 

So, here I was, in the hotel room, with a sleeping boy.  Everyone else was having fun and riding rides.  They made it back just as naptime was over.  We got to play a while, and then it was time to go to dinner.  After dinner and back in the room, J was being mean, throwing toys and tantrums.  I sent Z to Mom and Dad's room to color for a few minutes while J got it out.  He got it out all right . . . and then he fell asleep.

So here I sit, for the second time in one day, in a hotel room with a sleeping child . . . while everyone else is at Disneyland, having fun.  I guess it happens, and I'm thankful that Mom and Dad and M & J have been willing, both times, to take the other one with them.  I just wish that I could go play, too.  Oh, well.  Still lots of time to see Mickey, Indiana Jones, the Pirates, and everything else.  I'll hope for no naps and no tantrums tomorrow, but I won't hold my breath. 

Boy one: Passed out, mom turned the lights out.
Boy two: Out with grandma and grandpa.  Having fun.
Mom: Quiet and bored.  Restless, but ready for bed.
Day two: Done.

Disneyland, Day One

Well, it started early, for sure! 

I woke up to Mom shaking my foot at 3:15.  Brushed teeth, quick shower, and in to clothes.  Time to go!  The boys were woken up (mistake, but not my idea) to go to the bathroom, then put in to the car.  They each had a blanket and a little stuffed animal, and we told them to go back to sleep.  We were on the road at 4:00!  I used to be familiar with 4 am, but it's been a long time . . . 

The plan was supposed to be simple.  Start driving early so they'll sleep a few hours.  Stop for breakfast and let them run around a bit.  Back in the car, and by the time they get bored, we'll be there.  It was a great plan, but it didn't work quite as we thought.  Once they were awake, they were awake.  The boys were tired, but did not go right back to sleep.  It took an hour for Z to go back to sleep, and an hour and a half for J.  They only slept for an hour.  They were still tired, but couldn't sleep any more, so we were able to keep driving.  We had a few less-than-perfect moments during and after breakfast, but I prefer a few scattered moments to several hours. 

We arrived at our hotel at 11:00 in the morning.  Pretty good.  Breakfast was about an hour, so we made great time!  It could have gone better, but it also could have gone so much worse!  We arrived before checkout time, so we only got one hotel room.  That was enough to unload in, and sit down in.  Mom, M, and J weren't due (by plane) until about 4 pm.  We had lots of time, so after we unloaded the car, we decided to head for the fun!  The hotel's next shuttle was at 1 pm, and we were on it!  

Once we got there, we decided to start nice and easy . . . with the train ride around the park.  We rode all the way around to give the boys a glimpse of the areas of Disneyland, and to decide what to do next.  After a walk down Main Street, we headed through the Castle.  We did the walk-through, and then decided to find a ride.  We just happened to find the shortest line in the whole park.  Snow White's Scary Adventure . . . we waited about a minute and a half before getting in the mine car.  After Snow White, we rode the teacups and walked around a bit.  It was time for a drink and a snack.  Then we heard an announcement:  a parade in fifteen minutes.  We took our snack and drink to get a good spot to wait and watch.  The show was great - singing and dancing with the characters and real dancers.  Lots of fun . . . then we realized that we had to jam in order to make the shuttle.  It only picks up every hour, so it was time to hurry! 

We had to go around the parade route and get in front of it before it got to Main Street.  We were almost there, and Zachary reminded me that he had to go to the bathroom . . . he told me he was trying really hard but he did not want to pee his pants!  So, of course, we stopped- and he made it!  We hurry, hurried - and again, just barely made it!  We got in front of the parade right before they cut off traffic!  Back up Main Street, out the exit, and to the shuttle stop.  We made it with about two minutes to spare.  I am so proud of my boys - especially little Z, who didn't whine or ask to be held, even when we were hauling to make the shuttle.  I had been skeptical about going, even for just a few hours, on our long travel day, but they did great!

There was a lot of excitement, and we had fun, but after such a long and busy day, they were exhausted!  Mom and Dad went to dinner with M&J to celebrate her birthday.  We gave her hugs and a present . . . then ordered room service.  After dinner and a bath, we were all asleep by 8:15!  

Day One:  Success! 

Friday, June 18, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend fun!

Yes, I know that Memorial day was several weeks ago . . . but I keep meaning to write this post.  It was such a great weekend, I have to get it out before I can go on. 

A year ago -- even six months ago, if you told me that we were going to have a three day weekend, I would panic.  I had no idea what to do with the boys.  Fairytale town and the Zoo were always fun, but the idea of going and being there often overwhelmed me.  When we stay in the house too long, the boys get stir crazy and can't behave.  On the other hand, it's also difficult to get out of the house in one piece.  So with all of that in mind, let me say that I think I've come a long way.  It is still difficult to get organized and get out of the house, but I am much more willing to do it.  I am still outnumbered, but more confident in my ability to take the boys somewhere to have fun and relax. 

I decided to have fun for Memorial Day weekend, as well.  Friday afternoon, I had a lot of ideas, but no plans.  I just knew that we were going to do something.  We ended up busy . . . and it was great!!

Saturday started lazy, as they always do.  I like that.  Then I decided to get ready and get out.  Memorial Day weekend is the weekend of the Sacramento Jazz Festival.  I went for the first time when I was barely older than J.  I was a little bit nervous, but decided to try it.  I planned to leave and get there with the first stop of the day being my favorite performer.  Then if the boys couldn't handle it, at least I would get what I wanted. 

Bob Draga is simply amazing.  He has been our favorite - dad and I - since I can remember.  He started in a group, now he is both a soloist, and a guest performer with various other groups.  By the time that I paid for my wristband, we were late. . . and there was a line outside the room.  I went to the front to listen outside the door.  The boys did not do well during the performance.  I was heading towards embarrassed, but people just smiled as they danced in the hallway and didn't seem to mind when they said they thought listening to music was boring.  When the show was over, people began filing out.  And we went in.  There I found my aunt and uncle.  They have been working as volunteers for the Jazz Festival since before I was an attendee.  Then we went right to the front.  Bob has always been a joker, and also very friendly with the audience.  He was surprised that I came just to see him, and also that I have been a fan that long.  He wasn't offended when I told him that my boys were a little bored.  He decided to change their minds. 

So, that's my boys . . . making music with Bob Draga.  They didn't do as well as he does - and another musician getting ready for the next set joked "Bob, I never heard you sound so good" . . .  They were excited, though.  High fives when he had to go.  After that, we walked from the hotel through the freeway tunnel to Old Town Sacramento.  We sat on the lawn and had lunch with my aunt while listening to more music.  It was time for her to go after lunch.  The boys and I had some ice cream listened a little while longer, and then we left.  We spent about forty minutes inside the train museum (hooray for the family passes) and headed for home. 

I wasn't quite ready to go home.  So I called M, and she and her two boys, J and J, met us at the park.  I had sand toys and park chairs in the trunk.  Then we had M, J, J, J, Z, and J all hanging out at the park.  Sometimes it does get confusing.  Three boys with a J.  Tongue tied - and sometimes we can't even remember Z's name.  Maybe it would be easier if I gave him a J.  Anyway, sometimes we just yell "Hey!"  or "Knock it off!"  and they know who we're yelling at.  We have begun hanging out a lot.  She has gone through a lot of the same stuff as I have.  She is a single mom.  For a while, she and her boys lived with her parents.  They're on their own now, and getting life back to normal.  Going somewhere together helps get us both out of the house.  We're still outnumbered, but it does make it easier. 

E and I had a date that Saturday night, but it was casual.  And with all of the stress he's been having, we didn't actually have very much fun.  I guess you're supposed to de-stress before bowling. 

Sunday was a day at my parent's house.  Nothing major.  It was fun, but no good stories.  Hanging out, swimming, and food.  Then we came home . . . I like days there.  They are easy, laid back. 

Monday was another big day.  The plan (on Sunday night) was for Me and E to take the boys to the County Fair.  M thought it was a great idea. . . and so, on Monday morning, when I hadn't heard from E, we went.  The kids were all free . . . so we paid for parking, and only a few dollars for me and M.  We stayed for about an hour and a half - the boys played on the farm, roped cattle, and saw all of the animals.  The rides were way expensive, but we did make one stop in the carnival area.  I popped enough darts to win all of the boys a stuffed animal.

    The boys . . . J, J, Z, and J.  They are 6, 5, 5, and 2.  
    When it works, it works well.  When it doesn't, we have chaos!   

               Here's all of us.  I dressed my boys both in green on purpose to make it easy . . . but my green shirt was an accident!  It was cheap fun for all, without a 20$ fair ride or a 40$ meal! 

Lunchtime found us at McDonald's. . .  more playtime, more fun.  The boys could have probably taken a nap at this point, but we decided we weren't quite done.

So, we headed to the zoo.  I renewed my family passes there, and we were ready to roll.  We saw animals, played in the backyard, and had more fun than I thought!  I've seen all of the animals before, but it never matters.  There's always something exciting when you go with kids.

What a day, right?  What a weekend!  A year ago, I would never have done so much . . . but it worked, and it was great!  Thanks for being there, M.  I look forward to next time . . .