Wednesday, December 31, 2014

It's been a while!

Yes, it has been a while . . . but now I'm back!

As I explained in a previous post, I left my blog when E and I split up.  I wanted privacy and space, and I was afraid that I couldn't write what I wanted to for fear that he would see it.  I posted a few times, thinking I felt secure enough, but I wasn't quite there.  Why didn't I come back after things finally settled down?  I really don't know.  But it has been over three and a half years.  If he's reading this now, I am long past caring.

I have things I want to say.  And this will be my place to say it, whether I'm talking to myself or the whole world.

The "New Year, New Me" starts now . . .

Happy New Year, everyone!

Signing off, wishing you all safe celebrations!