Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I can!

I can crochet!

No one would buy it on Etsy, but I don't care.  It might be lopsided and funky looking, but I don't care.  I made it!  Well, okay, not made.  I'm making it.  It's not done yet, and I don't know when it will be.  Not sure what it's going to be, actually.  It could  be a short scarf, or a doll's blanket.

The point is that I am learning.  It's fun.  And it feels really good to be able to spend my time doing nothing actually doing something.  I still love reading, but this is productive. 

I am still very much a beginner, and would not object to some help.  I have only learned the first two basic steps.  In fact, I have no idea what to do when I decide that this thing is "done" . . . but I'll get there.  And I will learn the rest of it.  Maybe some day I'll even be as good as those cute little grannies with bags of stuff that they carry around and just work while they're sitting somewhere. 

Well, that's all for now.  I have more to post about, but that's the crochet update.  Maybe I'll post a picture of what I have done so far.  Then you can all laugh at how funky it looks! 

Until next time,

~ Janis


  1. Welcome Back! And where are the pics? What kind of a blogger doesn't have pics?? ;-)
