Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Still working out. . . or trying to!

As I talked about last week, I won't ever be a runner. I'm okay with that. I still think running is good, I just can't/don't do it. . .

I will say again that I am proud of Heather for running. . . even with everything else going on. I read her most recent blog today. It was about blogging and running. She loves getting comments on her blog. I do, too. It makes me feel like I'm not just talking to myself, here. And comments give me a confidence boost. . . Anyway, back to Heather. She's an old friend from the dancing years. Well, originally, she was my sister's friend. I was the younger one, looking up to everyone who was beautiful, graceful and talented. The little sister who loved to dance but wasn't very good at it. . . Anyway, she found me on Facebook a while back and I started following her blog.

She's been through a lot, and is still struggling. I thought I'd give her a little confidence boost. . . let her know that someone was reading her blog, and proud of her for running, on top of everything else - family, work, and a recent sprained ankle - while running!

The "comment" that I wrote for her blog turned in to more of a blurb, and it felt more like a mini-blog, so I thought I'd put it here:

I have bad ankles, too. First was dancing, then martial arts, and then the Navy, with all that marching and running. . .

Nothing has happened in a while, but I have plenty of memories of incidents like this - and worse! Be glad there wasn't a pack of people behind you... and yelling.

Being alone when it happens is bad, too. I just remember the crowd - Hey! I'm hurt here. Anyone want to help? Yeah, it sucked. They never stopped to help.

Good for you for getting back up, though. I usually just limped away. Out of class, or away from the PT session.

I think about running sometimes. Usually right after my shower in the morning when I'm awake and energized. That's when the boys are asleep, though. No one else in the house. When I get home from school, I've just been to curves. No desire to run then, or after my online class, when it's hot out. . .

Well, anyway. I guess this is less of a comment, and more like a long blurb. Oh, well. Hope the ankle gets better soon. Good job with the running!


So I am still going to Curves - with the exception of Monday and Tuesday. I feel good after my workout. So good that I wish I could do something else. . . but I don't have time. I have to come home and do homework and laundry and all that other stuff. There is a part of me that wishes I could be a runner. They always look so good. . . but it's never been me.

I still see no physical evidence of my workouts, except for the good feelings I get. It's a little frustrating. I know that it doesn't happen overnight, but still. I feel better. Shouldn't I start to look better?

So it's only been a few weeks. . . with days missed here and there for sick kids and school, I think I'm doing pretty good. I'm about ten pounds down from my heaviest. . . but that's where I've been hovering.

I am doing other things to help, too. . . Cutting out sodas helped for a while, but I replaced the sodas with tea. Just as much sugar and caffeine. I'm going to try sparkling water next week, since I can't drink too much water. I know it's good for me, I've just never been a fan. I need flavor. And a lot of the time, I need carbonation, too. I'm also trying to eat better, but it's hard. The boys eat "kid food". So most nights I eat a lot of fruits or vegetables, and try to have only a little bit of the dinner. Not easy when I've worked out and been busy busy, because it makes me hungry. I'm getting closer though. I know it.

I just have to remember why, and then it's easier to change the habits.
**I want to be healthy. ** I want to look good. ** I want my clothes to fit. **

I keep the goals in mind, and things do get easier. Someday soon I'll blog about being 15, then 20 pounds down. I'll get to that goal weight, and wear my clothes again. You know, all of those clothes from when I used to work out all the time, and it wasn't so hard. . . When I was in the Navy, before getting out. Someday I'll start blogging about what all of that was like - underway, deployments, and all of the people I miss.

Anyway, time for me to go. Still feel good from earlier, so maybe I'll take the boys to the park and do some real-world working out. . . . Maybe. And maybe I'll just go and take my book . . .

~ Janis

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