Wednesday, August 26, 2009

LATE. . . for the First day of school . . .

J is 5 years old. Should have started Kindergarten on Monday. Didn't. Today was his first day. How do you miss the first day of school? Easy. Be "sick" during a time when the schools are freaked out about every kind of illness that might be contagious. Okay, I get it. We have the Swine Flu coming, and at the beginning of every year, there are new kids with new germs. . . but really? Yeah, it's been a long week.

So, here's the story:

Last week, say on Thursday, I noticed some funny bumps on J's face. Weird, I thought. They looked like zits. There were only two, and they were on his forehead. I didn't think very much of it. . . Until Saturday, when he had more "bumps" - on his arms, and a few on his legs. Oh, great. We were out with friends, and I was just starting to wonder if this was something serious. The other mother said it could be a mild case of the Chicken Pox. Really? That would suck. But, wait. Wouldn't he have a fever and feel crappy if this was the Chicken pox?

Okay, so Sunday I took him to a clinic. He sure wasn't acting sick! Bouncing off the walls, goofy, and noisy. . . but I had to know if it was Chicken Pox or not, and whether or not he could go to school! Well, I do have to say that since I "suspected" Chicken Pox, they took us out of the waiting room and into an exam room really quick! Like, before we even sat down and got out a book! We still had to wait forever for a nurse, and then the doctor, but I appreciated not being in the waiting room.

So it turns out, he didn't have Chicken Pox. The doctor said that it was a "Skin infection". Um, okay. What? A skin infection can be caused by any bacteria that get inside your skin. Hmm, okay. Once it's in there, it spreads out. That's why he had bumps from his head to his legs. I'm not too confused as to how he got it, since he bites his nails, picks any sores he has, and is constantly touching his face, hands, legs. . . . What I don't get is why he couldn't go to school. Yes, technically it was "contagious". But, for another kid to get the same infection, they would have to get the bacteria from inside J's skin and put it inside their skin. I know kids are weird, but isn't that pretty unlikely?

Well, anyway. It was doctor's orders. No school. So, Monday morning, my Dad came over. I have perfect attendance, and Monday is a test day for me. So he kept J - actually, took him out, since he really wasn't sick, and J loved his grandpa's truck. It was tough to get Z out of the house, but we both made it to school on time -- and I got a 100% on my test! On Tuesday, my Mom came. Both days, J was very well behaved. . . until I got home. He didn't want to listen, and wouldn't be quiet. . . I couldn't get any studying done at all. So I decided that since he didn't feel sick, and didn't act sick, there was really no reason for him to be home any longer! He's on antibiotics, and the "bumps" are almost gone, anyway. Time to get him out of the house!

Today was his first day of Kindergarten. The plan was to take Z to daycare a little early, and then have some breakfast at McD's. Well, there's just this problem with making plans. Crap happens. The boys didn't go to bed last night . . . and didn't want to wake up this morning. It was one of those days that I just could not get them out the door! By the time we dropped Z off, we were running late. We had to drive through McD's and eat quick. I felt tingles as we got out of the car. I'm taking my "little man" to his first day of school! Just tingles, though. No tears. We walked to the classroom and he hung up his backpack. Put his nametag on, and I took a picture. All of the other kids were sitting down, and he joined them. After another picture and a quick "Bye!" . . . I was out the door. Surprisingly, I did not get emotional. I was just excited. I was a little bit nervous at first, but he told me on the way to the class that he remembered where the bathroom was, and his teacher assured me that she would see him to the bus for the first day. Guess those are two very important points. Don't pee your pants, and don't go home with a stranger. . . So far, so good.

Well, that was The first day of school . . . two days late, but still. He made it. One day down, thirteen years to go - but I don't think we need to tell him that quite yet. . . .

Guess that's it for now.
Until next time,

~ Janis

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