Friday, June 18, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend fun!

Yes, I know that Memorial day was several weeks ago . . . but I keep meaning to write this post.  It was such a great weekend, I have to get it out before I can go on. 

A year ago -- even six months ago, if you told me that we were going to have a three day weekend, I would panic.  I had no idea what to do with the boys.  Fairytale town and the Zoo were always fun, but the idea of going and being there often overwhelmed me.  When we stay in the house too long, the boys get stir crazy and can't behave.  On the other hand, it's also difficult to get out of the house in one piece.  So with all of that in mind, let me say that I think I've come a long way.  It is still difficult to get organized and get out of the house, but I am much more willing to do it.  I am still outnumbered, but more confident in my ability to take the boys somewhere to have fun and relax. 

I decided to have fun for Memorial Day weekend, as well.  Friday afternoon, I had a lot of ideas, but no plans.  I just knew that we were going to do something.  We ended up busy . . . and it was great!!

Saturday started lazy, as they always do.  I like that.  Then I decided to get ready and get out.  Memorial Day weekend is the weekend of the Sacramento Jazz Festival.  I went for the first time when I was barely older than J.  I was a little bit nervous, but decided to try it.  I planned to leave and get there with the first stop of the day being my favorite performer.  Then if the boys couldn't handle it, at least I would get what I wanted. 

Bob Draga is simply amazing.  He has been our favorite - dad and I - since I can remember.  He started in a group, now he is both a soloist, and a guest performer with various other groups.  By the time that I paid for my wristband, we were late. . . and there was a line outside the room.  I went to the front to listen outside the door.  The boys did not do well during the performance.  I was heading towards embarrassed, but people just smiled as they danced in the hallway and didn't seem to mind when they said they thought listening to music was boring.  When the show was over, people began filing out.  And we went in.  There I found my aunt and uncle.  They have been working as volunteers for the Jazz Festival since before I was an attendee.  Then we went right to the front.  Bob has always been a joker, and also very friendly with the audience.  He was surprised that I came just to see him, and also that I have been a fan that long.  He wasn't offended when I told him that my boys were a little bored.  He decided to change their minds. 

So, that's my boys . . . making music with Bob Draga.  They didn't do as well as he does - and another musician getting ready for the next set joked "Bob, I never heard you sound so good" . . .  They were excited, though.  High fives when he had to go.  After that, we walked from the hotel through the freeway tunnel to Old Town Sacramento.  We sat on the lawn and had lunch with my aunt while listening to more music.  It was time for her to go after lunch.  The boys and I had some ice cream listened a little while longer, and then we left.  We spent about forty minutes inside the train museum (hooray for the family passes) and headed for home. 

I wasn't quite ready to go home.  So I called M, and she and her two boys, J and J, met us at the park.  I had sand toys and park chairs in the trunk.  Then we had M, J, J, J, Z, and J all hanging out at the park.  Sometimes it does get confusing.  Three boys with a J.  Tongue tied - and sometimes we can't even remember Z's name.  Maybe it would be easier if I gave him a J.  Anyway, sometimes we just yell "Hey!"  or "Knock it off!"  and they know who we're yelling at.  We have begun hanging out a lot.  She has gone through a lot of the same stuff as I have.  She is a single mom.  For a while, she and her boys lived with her parents.  They're on their own now, and getting life back to normal.  Going somewhere together helps get us both out of the house.  We're still outnumbered, but it does make it easier. 

E and I had a date that Saturday night, but it was casual.  And with all of the stress he's been having, we didn't actually have very much fun.  I guess you're supposed to de-stress before bowling. 

Sunday was a day at my parent's house.  Nothing major.  It was fun, but no good stories.  Hanging out, swimming, and food.  Then we came home . . . I like days there.  They are easy, laid back. 

Monday was another big day.  The plan (on Sunday night) was for Me and E to take the boys to the County Fair.  M thought it was a great idea. . . and so, on Monday morning, when I hadn't heard from E, we went.  The kids were all free . . . so we paid for parking, and only a few dollars for me and M.  We stayed for about an hour and a half - the boys played on the farm, roped cattle, and saw all of the animals.  The rides were way expensive, but we did make one stop in the carnival area.  I popped enough darts to win all of the boys a stuffed animal.

    The boys . . . J, J, Z, and J.  They are 6, 5, 5, and 2.  
    When it works, it works well.  When it doesn't, we have chaos!   

               Here's all of us.  I dressed my boys both in green on purpose to make it easy . . . but my green shirt was an accident!  It was cheap fun for all, without a 20$ fair ride or a 40$ meal! 

Lunchtime found us at McDonald's. . .  more playtime, more fun.  The boys could have probably taken a nap at this point, but we decided we weren't quite done.

So, we headed to the zoo.  I renewed my family passes there, and we were ready to roll.  We saw animals, played in the backyard, and had more fun than I thought!  I've seen all of the animals before, but it never matters.  There's always something exciting when you go with kids.

What a day, right?  What a weekend!  A year ago, I would never have done so much . . . but it worked, and it was great!  Thanks for being there, M.  I look forward to next time . . . 

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