Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Disneyland, Day Three

Whew!  What a day . . . there was good stuff in there, but like day two, it ended badly.  I had thought that things would get better . . . there's still time for improvement, though. 

I stayed up last night to wait for Z to come back from his late night and watching the fireworks.  He had a ton of fun, but by the time he came back, got dressed, and fell asleep, it was just before 11 pm!   Because it was so late, I did not want to wake him up in the morning.  I thought it would be best to let him sleep in. 

The down side of sleeping in?  We get to Disneyland later . . .  when there's more people, and not as much time before naptime.  Yep, there was naptime again on day three.  We did get some good fun stuff in before - but also a few meltdowns.  I left with the boys to come back to the hotel at 1:45.  We stopped to go to the bathroom, had to fight crowds, and just barely made it to the 2:15 bus.  We got to the hotel room, took off our shoes, and the boys went to sleep.   

After an hour and a half, it was time to get up, ready, and get back to the shuttle bus.  We headed over to California Adventure, where everyone else was hanging out.  On the way in, we were given a stroller by someone who was leaving.  I thought it might come in handy if we were staying late, but I also wish they had double strollers.  Do you believe that they don't?  Anyway. . . 

We went in and headed to "A Bug's Land" which was cute.  Everything was gigantic.  But also, from my point of view, a bit lame.  The caterpillar ride was about thirty seconds long, and only went in a circle.  Took longer to load and unload than it did to ride.  We did the ladybug thing, and then everyone made it over from the other end of the park.  We did one more ride, but there were tantrums and meltdowns in the line for it, and in line for the ladybug ride.  I was pretty much done, but I will say that having Mom and MG there helped a lot.  They helped to settle the boys down and tried to make them happy.  J was not just being naughty, but also sad.  He had complained of a headache, but I thought it was a combination of being tired and hot.  One way to make them happy was to go on the bumper car ride.  I couldn't take them because an unaccompanied rider must be 7 years old, and there would be no way I would leave one of the boys alone to ride with the other one.  So we waited in the line.  We made it all the way to the front.  We were in the next group of people to go . . . and then the ride broke.  Great.  Oh, well.  Time for a bathroom break, and then we thought we'd head to find some dinner.  M& J had already eaten, so we parted ways. 

We headed out of A Bug's Land. . . stopped when we got to the main walkway and J sat down on a bench and started to cry.  I heard Dad ask him what was wrong . . . "My throat hurts" he said . . . and a few seconds later, he started puking.  Oh, jeez.  Seriously?  He didn't have a snack, and we haven't had dinner yet.  No fever, nothing wrong with him . . . except for that headache.  Well, we wiped his face, he rinsed his mouth with water, and it was time to go.  Cleanup, aisle J.  Bring a hose, please . . .  

We were a bit early for the next shuttle back to the hotel, but waiting was better than getting sick inside Disneyland again!  Mom turned in her wheelchair, and I passed the stroller off to someone just coming in the park.  We made it to the shuttle stop with about a half an hour to wait.  He was given a plastic bag, and for most of the wait time, we were away from the rest of the group.  Hmm, maybe it's a good thing we never made it on the bumper cars!  Auntie M sure thinks so, because she was going to ride with him!

It was 8:15 when we got back to the hotel.  Time to settle them down, make sure he's all right.  Well, he wasn't.  Got sick again.  Settled down, finally, and put a movie on my laptop.

Dad came over to help and make sure we were all right, but I wasn't.  Want the truth?  I cried.  I made sure that I told Jacob I wasn't upset with him.  It was not his fault that we got sick.  But seriously?  This vacation is taking shots at me, and somewhere, laughing about it.  Between the naps, the tantrums, the fights in line, and now puking, I was having an awful time, and hardly getting to do anything.  Aside from all of that, I miss E.  We're having a tough time with all of the stress he's going through and this separation.  I didn't mean to do it in front of the kids, but I think I needed to cry.   Okay . . .   Breathe in, breathe out. 

Day three:  Over.  And oh, please let tomorrow be better!  Let him rest, and not still be sick in the morning - or in the middle of the night!  Can we also have fun tomorrow?  Less fighting, less whining, and maybe I'll even get to stay past 7:30??  Thanks . . .

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