Sunday, June 20, 2010

Disneyland, Day One

Well, it started early, for sure! 

I woke up to Mom shaking my foot at 3:15.  Brushed teeth, quick shower, and in to clothes.  Time to go!  The boys were woken up (mistake, but not my idea) to go to the bathroom, then put in to the car.  They each had a blanket and a little stuffed animal, and we told them to go back to sleep.  We were on the road at 4:00!  I used to be familiar with 4 am, but it's been a long time . . . 

The plan was supposed to be simple.  Start driving early so they'll sleep a few hours.  Stop for breakfast and let them run around a bit.  Back in the car, and by the time they get bored, we'll be there.  It was a great plan, but it didn't work quite as we thought.  Once they were awake, they were awake.  The boys were tired, but did not go right back to sleep.  It took an hour for Z to go back to sleep, and an hour and a half for J.  They only slept for an hour.  They were still tired, but couldn't sleep any more, so we were able to keep driving.  We had a few less-than-perfect moments during and after breakfast, but I prefer a few scattered moments to several hours. 

We arrived at our hotel at 11:00 in the morning.  Pretty good.  Breakfast was about an hour, so we made great time!  It could have gone better, but it also could have gone so much worse!  We arrived before checkout time, so we only got one hotel room.  That was enough to unload in, and sit down in.  Mom, M, and J weren't due (by plane) until about 4 pm.  We had lots of time, so after we unloaded the car, we decided to head for the fun!  The hotel's next shuttle was at 1 pm, and we were on it!  

Once we got there, we decided to start nice and easy . . . with the train ride around the park.  We rode all the way around to give the boys a glimpse of the areas of Disneyland, and to decide what to do next.  After a walk down Main Street, we headed through the Castle.  We did the walk-through, and then decided to find a ride.  We just happened to find the shortest line in the whole park.  Snow White's Scary Adventure . . . we waited about a minute and a half before getting in the mine car.  After Snow White, we rode the teacups and walked around a bit.  It was time for a drink and a snack.  Then we heard an announcement:  a parade in fifteen minutes.  We took our snack and drink to get a good spot to wait and watch.  The show was great - singing and dancing with the characters and real dancers.  Lots of fun . . . then we realized that we had to jam in order to make the shuttle.  It only picks up every hour, so it was time to hurry! 

We had to go around the parade route and get in front of it before it got to Main Street.  We were almost there, and Zachary reminded me that he had to go to the bathroom . . . he told me he was trying really hard but he did not want to pee his pants!  So, of course, we stopped- and he made it!  We hurry, hurried - and again, just barely made it!  We got in front of the parade right before they cut off traffic!  Back up Main Street, out the exit, and to the shuttle stop.  We made it with about two minutes to spare.  I am so proud of my boys - especially little Z, who didn't whine or ask to be held, even when we were hauling to make the shuttle.  I had been skeptical about going, even for just a few hours, on our long travel day, but they did great!

There was a lot of excitement, and we had fun, but after such a long and busy day, they were exhausted!  Mom and Dad went to dinner with M&J to celebrate her birthday.  We gave her hugs and a present . . . then ordered room service.  After dinner and a bath, we were all asleep by 8:15!  

Day One:  Success! 

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