Monday, April 19, 2010

More A to Z fun . . .

Okay, so Heather thought that the A-Z survey needed a little pizzazing. *jazz hands* So she made her own categories...  and here I go. . .

A -Appointment TV in your house:  The Biggest Loser (aka Fatties).  There are other shows I like love- House, Army Wives, Trauma, 60 minutes, Deadliest Catch -- but they are all watchable online.  TBL doesn't come online until a week later, so it's the one night a week that I actually camp out in front of the TV for two hours. 

B - Best meal someone ever cooked for you: Not a specific meal, but family dinner.  I love family dinners and M & D's house.  Everyone hanging out, visiting . . . and when the main course is ready, everyone pitches in to get dinner on the table.  Good food, Good conversations.  Then everyone pitches in to clean up.  Good times, good times. 

C - Canned veggies, frozen, or fresh?: I love fresh vegetables . . . but I do rely on frozen and canned as well.  They come in handy, and they can be cheaper - especially since they do last longer.   Good, fresh vegetables, though . . . Mmmm!  I can't wait until it's time to start visiting the Farmer's Wife again . . .

D - Dad's influence in your life: Medicine.  I just remember always being interested in medicine.  I didn't realize it until recently . . . but my dad always knew what they did, what medicines worked for what problems . . . and it amazed me, even though I didn't know it.  I'm currently working towards (and almost finished with) an Associates Degree in Pharmacy Technology. Someday I'll go higher . . . further, smarter.  More patient care and more money . . . but it starts here, and it started with Dad. 

E - Eating philosophies: You can have anything, in moderation.  A great philosophy, right?  It works . . . if you follow it, and exercise regularly.  I'm working on that.  I've gone back to eating on a kid-size plate (most of the time) and not eating kid food.  The exercise is coming back to me . . . slowly.

F - Flower you love to receive: Any . . . flowers say something.  It doesn't matter if it (or they) dies in a few days.  There's just something about the gesture.  Unfortunately, it happens so rarely, I hardly remember.  Um, can I insert a hint here?  *wink* 

G - Good old movie you'd recommend: How old?  Hmm.  Have to think about it . . . *five minutes later* . . . Is it cheating to say Gone with the Wind?  It's classic, and covers so much.  Has so many good lines in it, too!  Frankly, my dear . . .

H - Heaven for you is: A good book, a snack, and a cozy place to sit and snuggle.  Or take away the cozy place and take the book and a drink to a bubble bath.  Oh, I miss having a bathtub in my room! 

I - Ice cream flavor that rocks your socks: Cookie Dough or Cookies and cream.

J - Your jam (bread topper and on the radio): Strawberry . . . and I don't know!  Old jam or new jam?  How about a country jam . . .  There are a few right now.  Bonfire and Hillbilly bone will make me stop everything and turn it up.  I also jam to Party in the USA! 

K - Kids that do this crack you up: One thing?  I don't know.  Just the things they say . . . and on-the-spot, I can't think of a good one.  But that's the best part.  Maybe I need to write some of them down . . .

L - Your legacy: My kids.  So far, they are it.  That's why I'm trying to hard to turn them in to good people.  If I can pass something on through them, then I keep going, even when I'm not here anymore..

M - Most Friday nights, you're typically: in "comfies" as soon as I pick up the boys from school.  We have a laid-back, whatever dinner . . . Then it's PJs, movie, and bed.  Unless E comes up for Friday night.  I stay in regular clothes later, and cook a better meal!

N- Nightly habits: First I have to fight my way through dinner, cleaning up, and getting the boys in to bed.  Then it's waiting for the boys to settle down and go to sleep. . . logging off of Facebook, reading for a little while or talking to E on the phone . . . then it's lights out, and I'm out. 

O - On your kitchen counter: I have a lot of counter space!  On one side of the sink is the microwave, with fruit bowl and loaf of bread on top.  On the other side of the sink are my canisters and my spinning spice rack.  (A really cool one that was a gift from M&D a few years ago)  On the other counter is a recipe box that matches my kitchen pattern, and an organizer that has spatulas, ladles, can opener, etc.  There's also randomly mail, a toy, or food on the counter.  It depends on the time of day and the stress level in the house. 

P - You're protective about: My kids!  I try hard to do what I think is best for them.  I take advice, and sometimes some constructive criticism, but most of the time I think I'm doing the best that I can do, and I don't want to be told that I've done something wrong, or that there's something wrong with one of them!

Q - Question you have for the universe: What is on the other side of your belly button? I've had answers to this, but none of them are satisfying. I think someday I need to see it. Or a picture of it.  -- This was Heather's answer, but I am curious, too.  Heather, if you ever find out, let me know! 

R - Running, biking, walking, or driving?: If I had a bike, I would bike everywhere!  Short trips to the store, nice meandering rides through the neighborhood . . . it would be my preferred method of exercising.  I also want a scooter.  Razor makes a grownup version. . . and I was going to buy one with my tax return - too bad I'm not getting one this year.  Anyway. . . Santa Claus, if you're reading this, even though your big day is eight months away, that's what's on my list.

S - Spa treatment: Pedicures. . . . and really, I wish I could have one more often!  I haven't ever had any other spa treatments in the US.  I had a few massages overseas.  One (I believe) was in Dubai, and the other was in Malaysia.  After each one, I ended up feeling much worse - and in pain for a few days afterward.  That's why I'm not crazy about the idea of trying again.  I love pedicures, though . . . and haircuts.  Well, no one's cutting my hair these days, since I'm growing it out.  But just sitting there and having someone play with your hair - the brushing, the cutting, and most especially the washing (and head massage).  Makes me want to go see my stylist just thinking about it!!

T - Talent you use to freak people out: Um, I don't think that I have one.  If anyone who reads this wants to leave a comment, let me know what freaky talent I have.  I'm curious . . .

U- Under your bed, we'd find: An underbed box of duffel bags.  A storage tote of Navy uniforms . . . and a spare case of soda. 

V - Vampires, your opinion?: Retarded. Seriously. Maybe it's because I don't get it, but I think you should all stop reading about them. Or at least stop acting like it's the best thing you ever read. That just means you haven't read anything good. Or maybe just stop talking about it so dang much. Those novels are for 12 year olds, anyway. Okay, so maybe Harry Potter was technically for kids and young adults, too, but whatever.  I started reading them when I was a "young adult" and had to finish the series.  Basically, I just can't stand vampires, and will probably never "get it".  If I see someone with a Team Edward shirt on, it will take me a while to know who Edward is, and even then I won't care.  I'll just think that you need to grow up. 

W - What you would tell your 16 year old self: It doesn't matter that you're not popular.  Enjoy everything you can, anyway.  Love the friends you have, and don't worry about the ones that you don't.  Those other people won't matter in two years when you all move on, anyway. 

X - Extreme for you is: Buying new clothes - whether it's underwear or pants - and not feeling guilty about it.  Actually, whether it's clothes, groceries, or something for the house or the kids, I feel very strange spending anything over 100$ in a single transaction.  That's extreme.  I don't know why, it just is. 

Y - You'd relive this moment from your life if you could: Well, I've had a lot of bad moments . . . but so many good ones, too.  Part of me wants to pick something really cool . . . a Navy moment . . . like standing with the Honor Guard, music playing, and coming down into the hangar bay on the aircraft elevator.  Yeah, that was awesome.  But another, bigger part of me is telling me to pick a kid moment.  For that, I think it's coming home from deployment.  Either one, really.  I was so overcome with emotion.  People who are not in the military just can't imagine it.  Yes, we signed up for it.  It's our job, and we do it with pride . . . but it still hurts to leave your family.  There's just nothing like coming home.  And coming home from a deployment, everyone's in dress.  The ship is playing music, there are flags everywhere, and there, in the middle of that sea of emotion, are your children.  It's huge.  The first deployment, my ex was there, which took away from it a little bit, but there were my children (six months later) and my mom, dad, and aunt.  The second deployment was only 3 1/2 months, and waiting for me were my kids, RL, and AM.  They were my friends, turned live-in nannies, turned life savers, turned lifelong friends.  Still love you guys!   Okay, anyway . . . . getting a little caught up in the moment. 

Z - Zodiac sign--true or crap?: Hmm. I'm inclined to say crap, but sometimes the descriptions do ring pretty true.  I am a cancer.  Okay, so I'm going to go with crap, but every now and again, I am a little curious.  I do think the concept is interesting . . . .  I just don't understand the people who live their lives by them, or want to know someone's sign before even getting to know them.  Like that really tells you what kind of person they are just because of when they were born. . . .

Whew!  That took a while . . . I've worked on this on three separate occasions.  Finally done, but that was fun!  Thanks (if anyone actually read it all) . . . and if you answer the questions, too -- either on Facebook, your own blog, or just in an email -- let me know!! 

It's time for sleep now . . .
Peace and bed everyone!


  1. You have way more patience than me, or maybe I just have ADD. I can never concentrate long enough to finish those things! Thank you for sharing, it's always nice to learn those little tidbits about people, especially about your preference for underwear, haha. Oh and I just read your blog about your kids meeting E, and the ER trip. We just got a John's Incredible Pizza here, both of my kids had their birthday party there. That place is AWESOME! SO much better than Chuck E Cheese! And yeah, the food is much better too!

  2. I'm gonna go ahead and guess you haven't read any of the Stephanie Meyer books :-( You so should sweetie! You'd really like them (and I know your taste in books)! I'm not obsessed by any means but they were good books :-) Give them a try? Maybe I'll send them to you!
