Sunday, April 11, 2010

Me . . . from A to Z.

You know me.   Can't resist a questionnaire or a survey.  This one is from Heather, and even though I am behind in my blogging about life, school, boys, E, and the stress that comes from all of the above  . . . here I go!

A - Age:  26.  27 in July, and since last year was pretty low-key, I plan on celebrating this time!

B - Bed size: Queen.  I've had the bed since I moved to San Diego - a present from M & D.  Still plenty comfy, and plenty big. 

C - Chore you hate:  Laundry.  I put off doing the dishes, too, but once I get started, they're easy and not so bad.  I like having clean clothes . . . I just hate the folding, sorting, and putting away.

D - Dog's names:  No dog.  I wish . . . but we did recently get a guinea pig.  A baby girl that I named Nala.  Everyone seems to hate the name.  I wanted something Disney-ish. . . but she's not a Lady or a Tinkerbell.  So I went with Nala.  The boys like it, and it's growing on me.  E will have to either get used to it, or get over it.     

E - Essential start your day item:  A shower.  Seriously, even on a day off, I don't do anything without a shower.  I guess that's not an item, though.  I love clean, fresh socks. 

F - Favorite color: Blues and greens.  My kitchen pattern is blue and green, my bathroom is blue and green, and I think my favorite sheets and blanket were, too . . . before they were ruined.  Don't ask.   

G - Gold or Silver or Platinum: I'm old school. GOLD.

H - Height:  5'4" . . . And I usually don't mind being short.

I - Interesting fact about yourself: When I was in the Navy, I was on my ship's Honor Guard.  I think I am more proud of my service on the Honor Guard than I am about anything else that I did in the Navy.  The experiences, the feelings, the pride, and the people . . . you just can't top that, especially in the civilian world.  I just wish I had more pictures!  Why did I never have a camera on the ship, at practice, or in port?  HUGE regret . . .

J - Jewelry you wear everyday: My mom's anniversary ring, given to me last Christmas, and my watch.  I only wear necklaces on rare or special occasions, and I don't have pierced ears. 

K - Kids: JR  and Z.  JR is also known as "Molasses", "Jakeroo" and "J.R." . . . Z is also "Doodle-O", "Doodlebug", "Zackadoodledoo" . . . and sometimes I even still call him "baby" . . . When I'm mad at either of them, sometimes I just say "boy" . . .  I bust out with their middle names, but that's not as bad as it gets.  When I pull out their last name, then they know they're in serious trouble.  I think it's because I hate their last name.  It's my ex's last name . . .  so. 

L - Living arrangements: A 2/2 condo in Carmichael.  It's close to my school and the boys school.  Less that a quarter mile from the hospital. . . but also forty-five minutes from M& D, and almost an hour from E.  Not quite perfect, but for now it works. 

M - Mom's name: Joan.

N- Nicknames: I don't have any.  Haven't ever had any nicknames.  It used to bother me, but I don't really miss it now.  Just call me by my name, and I'll answer. 

O - Overnight hospital stay other than birth: JR's birth, Z's birth, and when Z was about two, he woke up in the middle of the night with a 103 fever and had trouble breathing.  I grabbed a book and a blanket, told my nanny I was leaving, and went to the hospital.  We were there for about 36 hours.  They kept telling me that I could leave and a nurse would stay with him.  Yeah, right!  A.D. brought us clean clothes and toys because she knew that I wasn't going anywhere!  I guess technically Jacob's broken arm was an overnight hospital stay. . .  we left home just after ten, and got home almost five-thirty.  It was a very looong overnight in the hospital . . . so let's not repeat that anytime soon, okay?

P - Pet Peeve:  People who repeat things over and over again.  My kids do this all the time - especially JR.  I hate it.  It also happens in class, in the news, Ugh.  Everywhere.  Just say it and be done.  I also hate people who can't drive . . . . and those who can't write / type English correctly.  Please, people, pay attention in class!  There are lots of words that sound alike, but have different spellings and different meanings.  Punctuation is important, too.  Thanks.  

Q - Quote: This is where I go nuts trying to pick the right quote.  It's hard to pick one, mostly because there are so many great ones!  I like this though: "It's not a perfect life, but it's our life".  Okay, maybe I cheated.  I know it's also the title of my blog.  But I do like it, and it helps me to keep things in perspective.  Okay, how about this one:  "Shoot for the moon.  Even if you miss, you will land among the stars."

R - Right handed or left handed: Righty.

S - Siblings: One sister, M.  I used to hate it when people said we were alike . . . and she hated it more.  If someone told me that now, I'd be flattered.  She's smart, successful, and confident.  She has a good job, a great place, and she's in great shape, too.  She's always had more friends than me.  I'm usually the type to have lots of acquaintances, but just a few close friends.  I know I'm smart, but if I could just have some of her confidence, I would know that I'd be okay.

T - Time you wake up: Hmm. Weekday or weekend?  On a weekday, I'm up around 5:45.  Fridays I sleep until about 6:30, and weekends I get up between 7 and 7:30. 

U- Underwear: Well, let's just get personal here.  I like comfy underwear, and I like new underwear . . . but I'm not particular about brand or fabric.  That's all the info you're going to get on that.

V - Vegetable you dislike: I can't think of any. I like most all vegetables . . . and I love fruit!  If I had the money to stay stocked, I'd eat fruits and veggies all day long!  Oh, I just got it.  Eggplant.  That's a vegetable, isn't it?  Can't stand it . . . and I don't like bell peppers, either.  Everything else is fair game, even brussel sprouts :)

W - Ways you run late: I get ready early without any problems . . . and then I have to get the boys ready.  They lag behind. . . . always whining about being tired, and never realizing that they're tired because they don't go to bed. I hate being late for school,  but it's the worst when we're so late that JR doesn't get to eat breakfast before getting on the bus to kindergarten.  I try to keep something in the car just in case, but I also keep thinking that he's going to get the hint.  It'll be more important (and probably earlier) when I'm done with school and start working.  Just saying . . . it's time for them to get back on track!

X - X-rays you've had: Not very many.  I had an X-ray of my hand when I broke my middle finger in high school.  You want to know how?  Not very interesting.  It was during PE. . . . and I didn't catch the football. OUCH!  Um . . . X-ray of my hand in boot camp when a not-so-smart person on the top bunk dropped her locker drawer - I was sitting on the floor getting things out of my locker on the bottom.  Nothing broken, but man, it hurt!  There was one on the ship, too.  My ankle, when I took a spill down the a ladderwell.  It wasn't broken, just sprained really badly! 

Y - Yummy food you make:  I don't make nearly enough yummy stuff.  I like everything that I do with chicken, but I don't do it enough.  The boys are so picky.  I'll rephrase.  Z is picky - the pickiest kid I've ever known.  He is slowly getting better . . . but most nights he has something different from what the rest of us are eating . . . it's very frustrating.  I eat more "kid" food, or fast easy stuff than I should . . . but it's for the convenience.  JR often doesn't want to eat grownup food if Z is having something that he wants (chicken nuggets, pigs in a blanket, etc) so then it would just be for me, which is ridiculous.  That's why I eat kid food, or eat prepackaged, ready-to-go stuff.  Very soon, Z is going to learn to eat real food or start going hungry.  I want chicken, steak, potatoes, and salad -- much more often!

Z - Zoo favorite: Hmm.  In San Diego, our favorites were the koalas and the elephants.  Neither of them are here, where I guess I would say that our favorites are the giraffes.

Guess that's it for now.  I'll have a real blog in a day or so.  Time to get this night over with now.  They're telling me that it's not nighttime yet.  Ha!  All I have to do is close the curtains, turn down the lights, and put on their pajamas.  Someday they'll be able to tell time, but for now, all it takes is "Bedtime" . . . .  With all the activity of the weekend, and today's storm, they're ready - even if they don't want to admit it!

Peace . . . and good night to all!


  1. Nice job, J! Glad you seem pretty happy lately--always busy, right?--but happy.

