Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Annual anxiety . . .

This week I had my annual physical at the VA clinic.  I was very anxious about it.  The anxiety started a few weeks ago when I had my labs drawn in preparation for the appointment.  My biggest worry:  Cholesterol levels.

At the annual physical, it's lab work, a consultation about your general health, any vaccines that are needed,  women's health, eye exam, and anything else that is needed, including referrals to specialists.  Most of that was no problem for me.  I keep up with my Women's health appointments, Counseling, and I'm waiting for my optometry appointment.  The only thing that I wasn't prepared for were my cholesterol test results.

I was afraid of the results, to be honest.  I was afraid that they would be horrible.  I have been trying to make "lifestyle changes" recently, but that's just recently.  It's been a long year and a half. . .  So I didn't think that the changes I have made would be enough to make a difference in the numbers (especially since I don't feel any difference).

As it turns out, I had nothing to be afraid of. 

Total Cholesterol, should be less than 200 points.  In 2008, it was 216.  Now down to 187
Triglycerides should be less than 150 points.  In 2008, it was 112.  Now down to 103.
LDL (bad cholesterol) should be less than 160.  In 2008, it was 169.  Now down to 134
HDL (good cholesterol) should be greater than 40.  In 2008, it was 25.  Now up to 32.

Improvements, for sure.  Could still be better, and I plan on it.  I am taking another test in six months. 

Here is where I want to hold myself accountable.  I want the numbers to get even better.  I am starting to feel better.  I am working out more often.  Still not every day, but I am getting there.  I am eating better, most of the time.  The kids don't help with that, but I am trying to help myself.  The biggest improvement?  I am happier.  Much happier.  Hold on for six months.  I look forward to see what else I can do.  Better numbers, not just in the Cholesterol test, but on the scale and in body fat, too.  I'm ready!

Goodnight, all. 

Peace, and a trip to the gym!

1 comment:

  1. That is GREAT! I'm so happy for you, and the most important thing is that you are feeing good! Awesome!
