Saturday, March 27, 2010


Okay, so I know you've all been waiting to hear this story.  I keep thinking about writing, especially since we've done so much, and for the most part, things are going well.  But there really hasn't been time to write.

Here it is, though, even though now isn't really a time to write, either.  I should be in bed, but here we go . . .

It was about six weeks ago.  E and I had been seeing each other for a while.  We had another good day together - a Friday which he had off of work and I had off school.  I decided that I wanted to introduce him to J and Z.  We talked about it, and decided to go out for dinner after I picked them up. 

When I picked them up from school, I told them that we were going out for a special night.  Actually, I told them that they are the most important and most special people in my life and they always will be.  I added that there is a new person that I have been spending time with, and he is very special to me as well.  I told them that I wanted them to behave and be nice and they were going to meet my new friend.  I didn't use the words "dating" or "boyfriend" because I didn't think that they would really understand.  They don't have any memory of my ex and I together, so there's no way to compare the relationship for them.  I just left it as "friend" and thought they would either figure it out or ask questions and I could decide what else to tell them later.

Moving on with the story, though.  We went to John's Incredible Pizza in Roseville.  Has anyone ever been there?  It's awesome . . . Like Chuck E Cheese -- times ten!  The salad, pasta, and pizza are an all-you-can-eat buffet.  And the games and rides are so much better!  Anyway, the kids had a blast.  I'm still glad that I chose that as the place to go, because I wanted everyone to be relaxed and have fun for that first meeting.  We had so much fun that we were a little late getting home.  There was traffic, too.  I was surprised to see traffic at 9 pm on a Friday, but we made it.  As soon as we got home, I put the boys in their pajamas, read them a story, and tucked them in to bed.

E and I were just hanging out, and I started to think to myself, "Wow, that went well . . . and they're down" . . . well, wouldn't you know that I thought too soon!  It may have been seconds, it might have been a minute, but right after I thought about how easy it was, the screaming started.

I knew that it wasn't a fighting kind of scream.  It was bad.  I ran to the bedroom, and saw J, face down on the floor.  Moments earlier when I left the room, he was in the top bunk.  I rolled him over and asked where it hurt.  His hand.  I picked up his arm and cupped my hand under it.  His wrist was just . . . wrong.  I knew that it was bad as soon as I put my hand there.  He wasn't bleeding, and there was no bone protruding.  I just knew.  I tried to put something cold (a boo-boo buddy, as we call them) on it, but it just hurt worse.  I loosely wrapped a dishtowel around his wrist (so he wouldn't look at it) and put a small pillow under.  We left.

Yep, left.  Me and J.  When I was trying to figure out what to do, I called M & D.  I forgot that they were on vacation.  Five hundred miles away, there was nothing that they could do.  I have an aunt and uncle who live just down the sidewalk, but it was ten pm. . . .  and they're not really the babysitting type.  I was getting to the point of packing a small bag and taking Z with me . . . when E told me to just go.  At first I think I was in disbelief that he would suggest staying with him.  He didn't hesitate, either . . . but it was ten pm, and Z is four.  How hard could it be, right?  And I really didn't want to take him with me to the ER in the middle of the night . . . So off we went, and left E and Z at home.

For those of you who don't know, I live about a quarter of a mile . . . maybe less . . . from a major hospital.  That night, it was the longest quarter of a mile I have ever driven!  Every crack, hole, bump, turn, and acceleration was just excruciating.  I felt so bad, and nervous, too.  I parked as close as I could, and slowly we made our way in to the building.  J was taking baby steps, still crying with every move, and I was walking leaned over, holding the pillow under his arm.  We finally got in and I sat him in a chair.  I checked us in and took the paperwork.  I don't remember the date, but I can tell you that through that night I watched *way* more of the Olympics Opening Ceremonies than I would have if I hadn't been there!

The nurses got us back to triage pretty quick.  They looked at his arm, gave him a dose of tylenol with codeine, and sat us in a chair in the hallway.  After Jacob was able to stop crying and his head began bobbing up and down, they figured the medicine had kicked in and they took us to Xray.  Good plan, I guess, because they moved his arm into positions I wouldn't want to hold still in without being broken!  After the Xrays, we went back to the waiting room (more opening ceremonies) and waited, and waited, and waited.  It was one of the longest nights I can remember.  He was in pain, and so tired!  Finally, at 3 am, they brought us back and put us in a room.  Jacob was put in to the bed, and I turned out the lights.  No one came to see us, talk to us, or do anything for just over AN HOUR!!!  I was tired, frustrated, and getting pissed off. . .  but Jacob had gone to sleep right after I turned down the lights. . . and even upset, it's not like I was going to walk out.  I had a book, I had a few short snoozes.  I waited.   

When they finally came back to us, they said his arm wasn't broken, but fractured . . . .  in THREE places!  Two just above the wrist (one on each bone) and the other one up at the elbow.  In the ER, though, they could only put on a fast-cast.  That was a tough procedure for him . . . half-awake, in pain, they were moving him around, cut off the arm of his pajamas, and I wasn't doing anything to help.

So, as I think I mentioned, it was a long night!  We finally got out of there, and drove back home.  I think I walked back in the house at 5:20.  E and I put J on the couch where he almost immediately fell asleep.  Z had gone to sleep in my bed, so he was moved to his own bed.  I laid down and talked to E about the long night.  He started to tell me about how things went with Z (not as easy as I thought they would) but I don't really remember.  I was exhausted!

Somehow, I don't think that's how the first night out with E and my boys was supposed to end.  It worked out, though.  One way or another we all got to sleep, and everyone made it to Saturday.

I titled this post "Kamikaze" because, basically, that's what he did.  J was supposed to be in the top bunk.  He says he was "leaning over" to talk to his brother. . .  What he doesn't say in that version of the story is that he had one leg, one arm, and half of his body over the railing.  It was a recipe for disaster.  He slept on the couch for the first two weeks, and then the bunk beds were taken apart.  The bedroom is so small, right now there's furniture everywhere.  I've told J that he can't be afraid - he's getting back in the top bunk.  He's just going to remember next time how important it is to be safe.

So, anyway.  Time to end this.  We went to Ortho for the last time this week.  The cast (it was red, by the way) was taken off.  I'm told it tickles when they buzz it off, but OMG he was screaming!  His skin is dry, and is arm "is in shock" . . . but the fractures are healed.  He has a wrist support brace to wear for two weeks, but after that, he's just a boy.  And hopefully his kamikaze days are over!

I really can't believe how long it's been since I've written a blog!  I keep meaning to, and I think about it, and then I don't. . .  I'm going to try to work on being more regular - even if it's just a post to say "Hey, everything's going good" or to jot down a good joke, I'm going to post at least once a week.  There it is, in black and white.  Now let's see if I can do it. . . .

That's all for now.  Soon, I hope I'll have the chance to blog more about the last month and a half.  Now it's time to sleep!  I can't believe that I've been awake with a quiet house for this long . . .

Peace . . . and bed!

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