Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Sick, or not?

Okay, Moms. Here's a question for you:

Have you ever sent your kid to school when they said they were sick?
Were they faking, or actually sick?

I learned a few months ago that my kids can play that card. They can even get manipulative.

So on Monday, when Z said he didn't feel good, I didn't believe him. It was Monday, and we had a good weekend. I was almost sure that he was just playing me. They both say quite often that they don't want to go to school. . . and as early as Tuesday, they begin asking me whether or not it is Friday!

So I dismissed his whining and his cough. I thought it was just because he was tired. His asthma is much more mild than J's, but in both of my boys it presents as a cough. It is worse when they are tired, upset, or playing hard. It's Finals week at school for me. Not that they know what that means, but it's important. So off we went.

No one ever calls my cell phone. Really. The very few people who do don't call when I'm in school. So I was very surprised when the thing started vibrating in my scrub pocket, only an hour in to class! And, yes, Caller ID informed me that it was the preschool. I was told that Z was laying down on the couch. . . with a 102 fever. Oh, great. But I'm only a half-mile away, so I'll be right there!

So, of course I collected him, and took him home. He drank some juice and watched a movie in my chair, ate JellO for lunch, and went to bed. All morning while he was hanging around, I was studying and reading. . . feeling so guilty. He really didn't feel good. And I ignored him and sent him to school.

Because he was "sick" on Monday, Z could not go to school on Tuesday. So M had to come and stay with him so I could go. I am proud of my perfect attendance, and plan on keeping it. . .

But his fever broke while he was napping on Monday. He had Tylenol and a cough medicine on Tuesday morning. By the time I got home from school, there was nothing wrong with him! He was bouncing off the walls. . . didn't take a nap that day, either, and by the end of the day he was driving me nuts! Sick? No. I don't think so.

He's fine now. We all went to school this morning -- and miraculously, no one was late. . . even though I woke up 45 minutes late! I'm kinda proud I got us all out the door. . . A little tired, a little grumpy, but no one said "I don't feel good."

What a difference a day makes! I think I'm still more inclined to take him to school no matter what . . . but we will have to see. It's tough when a kid can't tell you symptoms. Even when he really is sick, all he says is "I feel yucky". They don't understand that I need more information, or I don't believe it!

It's easier when they're in a real school, right?
If it's not, please don't tell me yet!

I just get up every morning and get ready. When I wake up JR and Z, I will cross my fingers and hope that neither of them will pull out the "I don't feel good" card. I have learned that when it's true, it makes for a looong two days!

Let's not repeat them any time soon, okay?

~ J

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